Sat. Oct 28, 1944
Hello Darling:
Air attack this morning. Air Combat Patrol shot down 4 planes.
Air attack at 08:00 – one Jap plane was hit and it crash dived into the superstructure of the California. The bomb it was carrying exploded and scattered parts of the plane and the frantic pilot all over the ship and the water. The radar and some other minor damage but by some miracle none of the crew were injured.
The California, was in formation about 1000 yards to our port quarter.
Another plane (this one was not hit) attempted the same trick on the Cruiser Louisville, but missed and crashed into the water. How Nice.
Oh! Where is our ammunition?
P38 ‘s and P61’ s are up today. Hurrah, for the Army Air Combat. The Army must have Laclomb Airfield serviceable.

P38 Lightning (Left) and P61 Black Widow (Right) were land based craft. The Sea Bees were able to repair or create air bases at an amazing rate, providing much needed support.
All hands are a working party unloading empty 5-inch brass onto the lighter~ (All except me).
Maybe we will take on ammunition soon — I hope.
Signed Payroll, morale rising. Signed for money you can’t spend.
Air attack at sunset. Shot down 2 planes.
Where in the devil is the ammunition?
Weather is hot again same as usual.
Tokyo Rose, claims they sank the West Virginia. Again? I guess we have nine lives. She also says the Jap fleet was defeated at Surigao Strait. Claims their losses were light.